Are troubles and calamities part of qadar? The short answer is…
We need to evaluate troubles and calamities in three groups: a) The troubles and calamities in which the human will is not in question (like natural disasters). b) The troubles and calamities in which the human will is partly in question (like traffic accidents in which we are partly to blame). c) The troubles and calamities in which the human will is in question (such as accidents caused by drunk driving, diseases caused by carelessness and carelessness, etc.).
All those mentioned above happen with the predestination of Allah. What is required from a believer is to take precautions against all kinds of troubles and calamities because he does not know his destiny, and when he is tested by such troubles and calamities, to be patient and surrender by believing in destiny. This surrender does not mean consenting to the impunity of responsibilities in cases of negligence, fault or willful acts and leading to the violation of rights. We need to remember that Allah has limitless mercy and blessing. Therefore, He will grant great rewards to those who suffer from calamities if they show patience. Moreover, as Allah tests humans, He may send a number of troubles and calamities if He wishes. As a matter of fact, as informed by Prophet Muhammad (saw), the prophets and pious persons had been subjected to the greatest difficulties throughout the history (Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Musnad, I, 173).Therefore, humans should adopt an attitude required by their servitude.
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS