How should a woman who menstruates more than 10 days fulfill her acts of worship?
The number of menstruation days are not the same for every woman. According to the Hanafi school, this period last three days at least and ten days at most. If bleeding of a woman who menstruates regularly continues after normal period of menstruation, this bleeding is considered as menstruation on condition that it does not exceed ten days. However, if it exceeds ten days, it is considered as ongoing partial istihadha (abnormal bleeding after menstruation) by taking as basis the previous normal menstruation period. If the time of bleeding exceeds ten days in the second month too, the menstruation period of this woman changes to ten days. The period of cleanliness between two menstruations is at least 15 days (Ibn Nujaym, al-Bahr, I, 120; Aliyy al-qari, Fath Bab al-‘Inayah, I, 133-134).
For example, if bleeding of a woman whose menstruation period is six days continues at the end of the sixth day in the following month, the days added to the normal days are included in menstruation period as long as this situation does not exceed ten days (Mawsili, al-Ikhtiyar, I, 107). However, if the bleeding of that woman continues at the end of these six days and this period exceeds ten days and reaches, for example, twelve days, then the menstruation period of this woman is accepted as six days. The second six days are considered as istihadah, that is to say, abnormal bleeding after menstruation (Mawsili, al-Ikhtiyar, I, 99). As the blood seen after the tenth day is an abnormal bleeding after menstruation, that woman establishes her prayers and observes her fast in these days. She establishes qada (makes up) for the prayers that she misses after the first six days, which is her normal menstruation period.
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS