Was there prayer (salah) before the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? Was there prayer before Islam?
It is stated in the Qur’an that the prophets before Prophet Muhammad (saw) were also responsible for ritual prayer (Baqarah, 2/83; Yunus, 10/87; Hud, 11/87; Ibrahim, 14/37, 40; Maryam, 19/30-31, 54-55; Ta-Ha, 20/14; Anbiya, 21/72-73; Luqman, 31/17). It is understood from these verses that ritual prayer was not specific to the followers of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) but also existed in the time of the previous ummahs. Likewise, although it is reported that there were basic pillars such as standing, bowing and prostration in the ritual prayers of the previous ummahs, there are no detailed explanations about the performance of their ritual prayer.
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS