Does angiography break the fast? Does having an angiography invalidate the fast? Does angiography invalidate…
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Does donating blood invalidate fasting? Does donating blood for platelet supply invalidate fasting? According to…
Is Dialysis Invalidate Fasting? Does going to dialysis break the fast? Is fasting invalidated by…
Do using suppository or having enema invalidate fasting? Do using suppository invalidate fasting? Do having…
Does having ears washed invalidate fasting? Does having ears washed invalidate fasting Islam? There is…
Do eardrops invalidate fasting? There is a channel between the ear and throat. However, medication…
Does anesthesia invalidate fasting? Anesthesia means to prevent pain by cutting transfer on motortracts at…
Do viewing urinary canal and infusing medicine into the canal invalidate fasting? The devices inserted…
Do having endoscopy or colonoscopy and having anal or vaginal ultrasonography invalidate the fast? During…
Does eyedrop invalidate fasting? According to the information obtained from experts of the field, medication…
Does a transfused radioactive substance invalidate fasting? The non-nutritious transfused radioactive substance given to diagnose…
Does the insulin shot taken by diabetic patients invalidate the fast? Whether the shot invalidates…
Does having kidney stone removed while fasting invalidate it? If a person has kidney stone…
Does nicotine band invalidate fasting? Nicotine band does not invalidate fasting. What invalidates the fast…
Do applying make up and dying hair invalidate the fast? Fasting is invalidated by eating,…