Do Using Mouth Spray Or Chewing Gum In Order To Prevent Bad Breath Harm Fasting?
Do using mouth spray or chewing gum in order to prevent bad breath harm fasting?
Everything taken by mouth or nose and reach to stomach invalidates fasting. In this regard, spray or similar materials sprayed into the mouth to prevent malodor or to relieve tooth pain invalidate fasting if swallowed and reached to stomach; if not swallowed, they do not invalidate fasting.
Since the chewing gums produced today contain additives that dissolve in the mouth, it is not possible to avoid swallowing them, no matter how much care is taken. Therefore, chewing such gums invalidates fasting (Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, III, 395, 396). On the other hand, as it is not possible to know which kind of gum does not invalidate the fast, one should avoid chewing gum while fasting.
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS