Do Using Suppository or Having Enema Invalidate Fasting?
Do using suppository or having enema invalidate fasting? Do using suppository invalidate fasting? Do having enema invalidate fasting?
Suppository is used as a painkiller, fever reducer or for other reasons through anus and in treatments for mycetes and some of gynaecological diseases through vagina. Enema is to exert the feces inside colons by injecting fluid through anus before a surgical operation or for constipation.
Digestive system begins with mouth and ends at the anus, and consists of digestive tract and digestive tissues. Digestive tract begins with mouth. Pharynx is located behind the mouth. And then, digestive system continues with alimentary canal, stomach, intestine, colon, rectum and anus in order. Digestion is completed in intestines. Only water, glucose and some salts are absorbed in colons. There is no connection between women’s vulva and digestive system.
In this regard, suppositories taken through vulva does not invalidate fasting. Suppositories taken through anus get involved in digestive system. But it does not invalidate fasting because digestion is already completed in intestines; suppositories are not nutritional; and taking suppository through anus is not considered as eating and drinking.
There are two situations to be considered about enema; fasting is invalidated if nutritional water is given through intestines because water, glucose and some salts are absorbed there, or if water in an amount to invalidate fasting absorbed by colons stays in colons (Marghinani, al-Hidayah, II, 263). However, if the colons are cleaned immediately after water is given, fasting is not invalidated because water with feces in colons is extracted immediately and very little amount of water is absorbed during the process. (Decision by HBRA dated 22.09.2005)
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS