Does Donating Blood Break Fasting?

Does donating blood invalidate fasting? Does donating blood for platelet supply invalidate fasting?

According to the information obtained from the experts of the field, platelet on blood is extracted by normal blood transfuse or apheresis device. During platelet supply with normal blood donation way, only blood transfusing is used. Having evaluated the narratives about Prophet Muhammad’s having blood transfused while fasting, Islamic scholars stated that giving blood does not invalidate fasting (Bukhari, Sawm, 32; Abu Dawud, Sawm, 29; Ibn Qudamah, al-Mughni, IV, 50-52).

In supplying platelet with apheresis device, blood is taken from the donor’s one arm through the device and returned to the donor through the other arm after platelets are filtered inside the device. To prevent blood from congelling, the device is filled with two kinds of liquids. This process during which blood and liquid is injected to the body invalidates fasting. Those who want to donate blood with apheresis device need to donate blood with normal transfuse or perform this process between iftar and imsak (See. Fatwa no 522).

Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS

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