Does Vomiting Break the Fast?

Does vomiting invalidate the fast? Can vomiting invalidate the fast? Is the fast broken by vomiting? Will vomiting affect the validity of the fast?

No matter how much the amount is, vomiting unintentionally does not invalidate the fast. Likewise, the things risen from stomach suddenly and then return to stomach again do not invalidate fasting. If a person intentionally vomits mouthfully, then the fast is invalidated.

The Prophet (saw) said, “If one has a sudden attack of vomiting while one is fasting, no atonement is required of him, but if he vomits intentionally he must make qada.” (Abu Dawud, Sawm, 32; Tirmidhi, Sawm, 25)

If a person thinks that the fast is invalidated and starts to eat and drink after vomiting, then fasting is invalidated. For such person, not kaffarah but qada is required per day (Ibn al-Humam, Fath, II, 332; al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah, I, 226).

Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS

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