First Man

Who is the first man of islam? Adam in islam..

All divine religions and historical documents state that human beings are descended from Adam and Eve. The first human being is also Allah’s vicegerent, prophet, and servant on earth.[1]

Some of the representatives of the materialist philosophy, who only looks at the human being and the universe from a material point of view, claim that the human being is a creature that evolved from an ape.

This type of thought, called the theory of evolution, was first formulated by the English biologist Charles Darwin (1809-1882), and it is also known as “Darwinism”. Darwin argued that “cognate species show changes that can be attributed to various influences such as environment and diet. When the struggle to survive is added to these, as a result of continuous evolution, species develop by changing their shapes. As a result of this, he is of the opinion that there has been a transformation from the species of ape to human in a certain period”.

Darwin and the positivists who followed him did not see the things and living beings from a religious point of view, but only from the point of view of material experimentation and observation.

Today, three fossils are shown as evidence of transitional life forms between man and ape; “Java Man” is “Piltdown Man” and “Beijing Man” was found in England. Furthermore, there is the “Heidelberg Man”, which consists of only a single jawbone fossil, which most anthropologists say belongs actually to a human. The first skulls are so incomplete and distorted that the shape of the hole in which the spinal cord enters the skull cannot be clearly determined. This is because it is not possible to understand whether the creature represented by the fossil stood upright or crooked. However, some positivists, who were influenced by the evolutionist view, mistook it for a bent, ape-like creature.[2]

These fossils, found at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, were estimated to date back between 1.8 and 2.6 million years ago.

The following new findings have removed these fossils from evidence.

The fossil “Skull Man 1470” discovered in 1972 by Richard Leakey in the vicinity of Lake Rudolf, near the city of Turkana in Kenya, turned the theory of evolution upside down. This fossil consists of a skull and a leg bone presumed to belong to a skull. Its age is estimated at 2.8 million years. Richard Leakey asserted in regards to this fossil: “Either we toss out this skull or we toss out our theories of early man. It simply fits no previous models of human beginnings. The skull’s surprisingly large braincase leaves in ruins the notion that all early fossils can be arranged in an orderly sequence of evolutionary change.”[3]

The fossil Leakey found is at least 200,000 years older and 300 cc. larger than the fossils, which are claimed to be the oldest ancestor of man (1.8-2.6 million years old) and with a brain volume of 500 ccs. In terms of skull appearance, it is also not distinguished from today’s human skulls.

Archaeologist Dr. Glyn Isaac has unearthed 300 simple stone crushing and breaking tools from his excavations. These are proofs that a creature lived there 2.6 million years ago with a high level of intelligence and dexterity.[4]

These new proofs and the answers given by the scientists to the works “On the Origin of Species” and “The Descent of Man”,[5] which are the basis of Darwin’s theory of evolution, has revealed the following truth.

Humans did not evolve into what they are today, on the contrary, they appeared on the stage of life as they are today. It is natural for the people of the ancient period to be larger in size due to their longevity, which may have exceeded a few centuries. Some hadiths related to Adam’s body size support this argument.[6]

Ibn Jarīr al-Ṭabarī (d.310/922) states in his Tarikh that Eve gave birth to forty twins, one male, and one female, at twenty births.[7]

Allah describes the characteristics of some living animal species as follows: “And Allah has created every animal from water: of them, there are some that creep on their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills for verily Allah has power over all things.”[8] By creating Adam without parents, and Jesus without a father, Allah Almighty preserved the human species.

The aim of Darwinism is to attribute the origin of the human being to another living thing and to sever his ties with the divine religions and the Supreme Creator. However, the mind-boggling order seen in the realm of beings refutes this theory. The view that everything came into being as a result of the blind force of nature and pure coincidence and that it is subject to evolution is unacceptable. In conclusion, the following can be said in this regard. Adam was sent down to this world equipped with certain knowledge, and the human generation that came after him was not left alone on earth and advanced their knowledge with new information through the prophets. On the other hand, human beings have continuously improved their knowledge by researching the world and their environment with their own experiments and experiences. As a result, it can be said that humans have evolved as a society without changing species and have continually established new civilizations. In the following section, we will focus on the reason for the creation and birth of the human being.

[1] Al-Baqara, 2: 65; See al-Mā’ida, 5: 60; al-Aʿraf, 7: 166, Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır, Hak Dini Kur’an Dili, 2. ed., Istanbul 1960, vol. I, 378, II, 1724

[2] John N. Moore - A.N. Field, İlmi Gerçekler Işığında Darwinizm, 2nd ed., İstanbul 1982, p. 155-171

[3] Leakey, Richard E. National Geographic, vol. 143 no. 6. p. 819 (June 1973)

[4] Leakey, ibid, vol. 143, p. 198 ff.

[5] For more information see J. N. Moore - A.N. Field, ibid, Ali Gürbüz, Darwin ve Tekâmül Nazariyesi Ist. 1980, İsmet Hasenekoğlu, Evrim Teorileri ve Mutasyonlar, Ist. 1976; Abdullah Aymaz, Yaratılış ve Darwinizm, n.p. and n.d.; Şemseddin Akbulut, Darwin ve Evrim Teorisi, ist. 1980; Bilim Araştırma Grubu, Yahudilik ve Masonluk, İst. 1986; p. 397; Milli Eğitim Bak. Summary of the Report on the Theory of Evolution published by Milli E. Bsm. Ankara 1985.

[6] See al-Bukhari, Anbiya 1; Abu Dawud, Sunna 16; al-Tirmidhi, Tafsir al-Sura 7, verses 2-4; al-Zabidi, Tecrid-i Sarih Tercemesi, 6th ed., Ank. 1981, IX, 76.

[7] Al-Zabidi, Tecrid-i Sarih Tercemesi, IX, 77.

[8] Al-Nur, 24: 45

Source:  Basic Islamic Principles (ʿilmi ḥāl) According to the Four Sunni Schools With Evidence From The Sources of Islamic Law, Prof. Hamdi Döndüren, Erkam Publications