Hadith About Ramadan Fasting
What are hadiths about Ramadan fasting? Examples of hadiths about Ramadan fasting…
According to ʿAbd Allah (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “Islam is based on five principles: To testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (saw), to perform the ritual prayer correctly, to give zakāt, to make the Hajj to the Kaʿba, and to fast during Ramadan.” (Muslim, al-Iman, 21)
According to ʿAʾisha (ra), “The Quraysh used to fast on the day of ʿAshuraʾ during the Jahiliyya period. Later, the Messenger of Allah (saw) ordered that this fast be continued until the time when the fast of Ramadan became obligatory. (When that occurred), the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘Whoever wishes (to keep the fast of ʿAshuraʾ), let him do so. Whoever wishes not (to keep the fast), let him not do so.’” (al-Bukhari, al-Sawm, 1)
According to Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “Whoever fasts during Ramadan and then adds six more days (of fasting) in the month of Shawwal, this would be like fasting for the whole year.”(Muslim, al-Siyam, 204)
Abu Hurayra (ra) said, “My friend (the Messenger of Allah - saw) recommended three things to me: To fast three days each month, to do two rakʿas (prayer cycles) at the zuhr prayer, and to do the witr prayer before going to sleep.” (al-Bukhari, al-Sawm, 60)
According to Abu Hurayra (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “After Ramadan, the most meritorious fast is (the fast held) in Muharram, which is Allah’s month. After the obligatory prayers, the most meritorious prayer is prayer at night.”(Muslim, al-Siyam, 202)
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, Islam Through Hadiths