Hadith About The Sun, The Moon and The Stars


What are the hadiths about the sun, the moon and the stars? Examples of hadiths about the sun, the moon and the stars…

According to Abu Burda’s narration from his father (ra), ... Allah’s Messenger (saw) raised his head towards the sky, as he often did, and he said, “The stars are the guarantors of the sky, and when the stars disappear, the sky will meet the fate that has been promised (i.e. Judgement Day).” (Muslim, Fada’il al-Sahaba, 207)

According to Abu Hurayra (ra), Allah’s Messenger (saw) said, “Nowhere is it recorded that diseases must spread. The dead do not wait upon their graves in the form of an owl to take their revenge. The stars have no power to make rain fall, and the cause of our illnesses is not the snake that you believe to be in our stomachs.” (Muslim, Salam, 106)

‘A’isha (ra) reported that there was a solar eclipse in the time of the Messenger of Allah (saw). He led the people in prayer… Then, when the sun had become bright again, he halted the prayer. He then delivered a sermon to the people. He praised and glorified Allah and said: “The sun and the moon are two signs of Allah; they are not eclipsed on account of anyone’s death or on account of anyone’s birth. So when you see an eclipse, give glory to Allah, pray, and give alms…” (al-Bukhari, Kusuf, 2; Muslim, Kusuf, 1)

According to Bilal b. Yahya b. Talha b. ‘Ubayd Allah (ra), who heard it from his grandfather Talha b. ‘Ubayd Allah by way of his father (ra), when the Prophet (saw) would see a crescent moon, he would say, “O Allah! Let it rise over us with blessings and faith, with health and Islam. (O Crescent Moon,) my Lord and your Lord is Allah.” (al-Tirmidhi, Da‘awat, 50)

Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, Islam Through Hadiths

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