Hadiths About Disability And Acts Of Worship
What are hadiths about disability and acts of worship? Examples of hadiths disability and acts of worship…
ʿImran b. Husayn (ra) said, “I had hemorrhoids and so I asked the Prophet (saw) how I should pray. He answered, ‘Pray standing up. If you can’t go that, then pray sitting down. If you can’t do that, then pray lying on your side.’” (al-Bukhari, Taqsir al-salat, 19)
Jabir b. ʾAbd Allah (ra) said, “While on a journey the Messenger of Allah (saw) saw a man surrounded by people who were shading him. When he asked, ‘What is wrong with him?’ those around him said, ‘He is fasting.’ The Messenger of Allah (saw) then said, ‘It is not good (meritorious) to fast while on a journey (if it is difficult for you or you suffer harm).’” (Muslim, al-Siyam, 92)
Anas b. Malik (ra) said, “The Messenger of Allah (saw) granted a concession to pregnant women who fear for themselves, allowing them not to fast, and to nursing mothers who fear for their infants.” (Ibn Maja, al-Siyam, 12)
According to Ibn ʿUmar (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “Just as Allah is not pleased with the violation of His prohibitions, he is pleased with the application of dispensations (that he recognizes).” (Ibn Hanbal, II, 108)
Abu Musa (ra) said, “The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to say when he sent one of his Companions to do something, ‘Give good news and do not make people disgusted. Make things easy and do not make them difficult.’” (Muslim, al-Jihad wa ‘l-siyar, 6)
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, Islam Through Hadiths