What are the hadiths about jinns? Examples of hadiths about jinns…
According to Ibn ‘Abbas (ra), Allah’s Messenger (saw) said, “O, Allah! It is to You that I surrender myself. I affirm my faith in You and place my trust in You and turn to You in repentance and with Your help fight my adversaries. O, Allah! I seek refuge in You with Your Power; there is no god but You, lest You lead me astray. You are the ever-living that dies not, while the jinns and mankind die.” (Muslim, al-Dhikr, 67)
‘A’isha (ra) said, “O, Messenger of Allah! The soothsayers used to tell us about things (unseen) and we found them to be true. Thereupon he said, ‘That is a word pertaining to truth which a jinn snatches and throws into the ear of his friend, and makes an addition of one hundred lies to it.’” (Muslim, al-Salam, 122)
According to ‘A’isha (ra), children used to be brought to her when they were born and she used to pray for them. One day, a newborn child was brought to her. When she was putting the child in his bed, she found a razor under the pillow. She asked about the razor and they said, “We put it there to protect the child from the jinn.” She took the razor, threw it away and forbade them to use it. She said that the Messenger of Allah disliked and hated the idea of seeing bad omens in things. She forbade doing that. (al-Bukhari, al-Adab al-Mufrad, 314)
According to Yahya b. Ja‘da (ra), once Khalid b. al-Walid (ra) became so afraid that he could not go out at night without taking his sword with him. When he was worried that he might hurt someone, he came to the Prophet (saw) and complained about his situation. Allah’s Messenger told him, “Jibril told me that a demon from the jinn was trying to set a trap against you so say the following prayer: I seek refuge in Allah and in His most exalted words (His endless will and power) to which no good or evil could reach from the harm of the evil coming down from the sky and raising up from the earth, from the evil of the things that settle (live) on earth and come out from under the world, from the evil of the mischief of day and night, and from everything that appears unexpectedly except the good ones. O Raḥmān!” (Ibn Abi Shayba, Musannaf, Tibb, 28; ‘Abd al-Razzaq, Musannaf, XI, 35)
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, Islam Through Hadiths