Is It Permissible To Do General Body Cleaning In Menstrual Period, Postnatal Period, And In The State Of Janabah?
Is it permissible to do general body cleaning in menstrual period, postnatal period, and in the state of janabah?
In some sources, there are opinions stating that it is makruh tanzihi (discouraged but close to be permissible) to cut hair and nails, and clean armpit and pubic hair before performing ghusl in menstrual period, postnatal period, and in state of janabah. (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah, V, 338). However, there is no strong proof on this subject. In fact, some other sources express that this evaluation is not appropriate (Bujayrimi, Tuhfa, I, 364; Dimyati, Hashiyatu i’aneti’t-talibin, I, 137).
For this reason, it is permissible for people who are in menstrual period, postnatal period, and in the state of janabah to cut their hair and nails, and clean their armpit and pubic hair before performing ghusl.
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS