What is the ruyatullah in islam? What does ruyatullah means?
For those who reach the pleasure of Allah, the highest reward will be the vision of Allah almighty. This is explained in the following verse:
“Faces that Day will be radiant, gazing at their Lord.” (Al-Qiyama, 75:22-23) this is the highest rewardvand there is nothing over this in the Garden. Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) explains this in the following hadith:
“When those deserving of the Garden will enter, the Blessed and the Exalted will ask: ‘do you wish Me to give you anything more? They will say: haven’t you not brightened our faces? Haven’t you not made us enter the Garden and saved us from the Fire? He (the narrator) said: He will lift the veil and of things given to them nothing will be dearer to them than the sight of their Lord, the Mighty and Glorious.” (Muslim, Iman, 297; Tirmidhi, Tafsirul-Qur’an, 11)
Divine favour is so intense that servants want it all the time. Abu-Yazid al-Bistami (may Allah have mercy on him) explains this state in the following words:
“Allah the Almighty has some special servants in the Garden that if they are deprived of seeing their Lord they supplicate to Allah for that as the people of Hell supplicate Him to get free form the Hell Fire.”[1]
Ismail Hakki of Bursa says:
There are three kinds of Eids: the first one is after the month of Ramadan and at the completion of the Hajj and Sacrifice, these are gifts for the struggles of Muslims in this world. The second Eid is when we die with a strong faith, this is much bigger and lastly and the greatest Eid is to see Allah the Almighty in the Garden” ([2])
In order to celebrate the last kind of Eid which is the highest and most perfect of all, i.e. to see Allah, a Muslim should practise Islam according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah, lead a life filled with Taqwa (fearful awareness of Allah), divine love and yearning.
Doors opened to the Garden: fulfilling the commandments relating to our external and internal dimensions:
Our duty in this life is to prepare for the next world and not to get deceived by the glamour that this passing life has to offer. To achieve this, we should increase our sacrifices in the way of Allah. These endeavours which will attract Allah’s satisfaction with us are like a visa to the Garden.
Man has a double nature that is his bodily nature and his spiritual nature. Therefore the orders of Allah relate to both of them, the ones for our material being are the external ones and those relating to our soul are internal ones. These two are completing each other, without applying one of them the other becomes invalid.
Among the primary external obligations of Islam are, fasting, paying charity, making the pilgrimage to Mecca and all other deeds like striving in the path of Allah will take us to the Garden, however they have to be done following some internal spiritual conditions.
[1] Abu Nuaym, Hilye, X, 34; Kushayri, Risala, s. 499.
[2] Bursevi, Ruhu’l-Beyan, c. 2, sf. 200.
Source: Osman Nuri Topbaş , Journey To Eternity, Erkam Publications