The Blessed Prophet’s Marriage to the Honorable Aisha
When did Muhammad and Aisha get married? How did Muhammad and Aisha get married? Where did Muhammad and Aisha get married?
The Blessed Prophet’s –upon him blessings and peace- Marriage to the Honorable Aisha
The marriage between the Blessed Prophet -upon him blessings and peace- and the honorable Aisha –Allah be well-pleased with her- was actually contracted in Mecca prior to the Hegira, actualized, however, afterward in Medina.
Aisha -Allah be well-pleased with her- recounts the event as follows:
“When the Messenger of Allah immigrated to Medina, he left her daughters and me behind in Mecca. Later on, he sent Zayd ibn Haritha and Abu Rafi to Mecca, giving them two camels and 500 dirhams to cover their expenses of travel. Likewise, my father Abu Bakr sent Abdullah ibn Urayqit with them, with two or three additional camels, with the message telling my brother Abdullah to arrange for my mother Umm Ruman, my sister Asma and me to be sent on camelback to Medina. Abu Rafi sorted the camels for Fatima, Umm Kulthum and Sawda bint Zama, while Zayd saw to arranging mounts for Umm Ayman and her son Usama. So we all set out.[1] When we reached Bayz near Mina, our camel ran away, with my mother and I astride inside its hawdaj.[2] My mother was terrified; ‘pity on my daughter’, I was hearing her say. But a short time later, Allah had our camel calmed, and we rejoined the rest.
We eventually made it to Medina safe and sound. Even though I had already been wed with the Messenger of Allah in Mecca, I continued to stay with my family. At that stage, the Masjid and the surrounding chambers had been built and the Messenger of Allah moved into his own room, as did his family. After awhile, my father asked the Messenger of Allah what was keeping him from actualizing the marriage.
“The mahr”, he replied.
Subsequently, my father lent a helping hand by sending him twelve-and-a-half uqiyya[3], with which in the month of Shawwal the Messenger of Allah actualized our marriage.[4] Neither a camel nor a sheep was slaughtered for the wedding; only Saad ibn Ubadah -Allah be well-pleased with him-[5] sent food inside a large container.[6]
[1] Zaynab –Allah be well-pleased with her- had to remain in Mecca for a little while longer, due to her husband Abu’l-As ibn Rabi’ declining to give permission.
[2] A hawdaj is a small, screened saddle used for sheltering females on camelback.
[3] An uqiyya is formerly used currency of silver coins. Also utilized as a unit of weight, an uqiyya approximately corresponds to 128 grams.
[4] Ibn Saad, VIII, 58, 62-63.
[5] Saad ibn Ubadah –Allah be well-pleased with him- became a Muslim in the Second Aqabah Pledge. He was among the twelve representatives elected there. Matching his wealth with an amazing generosity, he used to send meals to the Blessed Prophet -upon him blessings and peace- everyday during his seven month stay at the house of Khalid ibn Zayd. Not a day would pass without Ibn Ubadah holding a feast in his castle like house, where all were welcome. He fed the Suffa everyday. He carried the flag of Khazraj throughout many battles. During the Battle of Dhu Qarad, he donated ten camel loads of dates to the army, in satisfaction of which the Blessed Prophet -upon him blessings and peace- prayed, ‘Allah, have mercy on Saad and his family!’ He fed the entire Muslim army during the campaign of Banu Qurayza. Both his life and wealth were virtually mediums for struggling in the way of Allah until the day he passed away. As his house was situated in outer Medina and therefore was distant to the Masjid, Saad had a small mosque built there. Following the election of Abu Bakr -Allah be well-pleased with him- as Caliph, Saad ibn Ubadah -Allah be well-pleased with him- relocated to Hawran, near Damascus, where he subsequently passed away in 635. He was buried in the small town of Ghuta.
[6] Ahmad, VI, 211.
Source: Osman Nuri Topbaş, The Prophet Muhammed Mustafa the Elect II, Erkam Publications
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