Every person has a different fingerprint from every other person. This is one of the best examples of the existence of the creator.
One day, someone commented next to Omar –Allah be well-pleased with him-, “Chess truly amazes me. Even though a chess board is only a meter in length and width, a person could perhaps make a million different types of moves on it, without one resembling the other!”
“There is something even more amazing”, replied Omar -Allah be well-pleased with him-. “The length and width of a face is a mere hand span. To add to it, the location of the eyebrows, the eyes, the nose and the mouth always remain the same. Still, you would not find any two people, in East and West, who have the exact same appearance. How great the glory, majesty and wisdom of Allah is that He displays boundless differences on a little piece of skin!” (Râzî, Tafsîr, IV, 179-180 [al-Baqara, 164])
Drawing attention to this wisdom, the poet says:
Who is the Mastermind to have drawn this face?
Will not anyone face the mirror and ask?
(Necip Fâzıl)
Of even greater magnificence are man’s fingerprints. Today, there are computers and doors programmed to have fingerprints as security codes. Each person carries different and unique fingerprints. Even the fingerprints on the fingers of a single hand are different from one another.
It was only towards the end of the 19th century that fingerprints were discovered to carry different patterns in each person, like barcodes, after which they were begun to be utilized for the purpose of identifying people, especially in the legal and criminal sphere. Today, there is a science called dermatoglyphics, reserved exclusively to the study of fingerprints.
Endowing human beings with this unique characteristic, Allah, glory unto Him, has moreover hinted at this wonder in the verses of the Holy Quran revealed some 1400 years ago, declaring that when Resurrection comes to pass, even the fingerprints are to be rearranged in the exact manner they were during life. The verse states:
“Does man think that We shall not gather his bones? Yea! We are able to make complete his very fingertips.” (al-Qiyamah, 3-4)
The Holy Quran, as seen, continually leads the way and science only follows in its wake in confirmation.
Similar to fingerprints, the eyes also vary from person to person. Becoming prevalent in everyday life is the use of devices, from computers to doors that recognize its users not from old fashioned codes but from the specific qualities of their retinas.
Majestic is Allah, glory unto Him, who creates infinity of variety in an area even smaller than 1 cm2.
Source: Osman Nuri Topbaş, Contemplation in Islam, Erkam Public.