What is the hady qurban? Where is the hady sacrifice performed?
These are the qurbans slaughtered at hajj when someone does not abide by the ihram prohibitions and the hunting and sexual relations prohibition. The qualities that are needed in regards to the animal to be slaughtered for qurban are also required here.
Hady is three sections:
- The Wajib Hady: The qurban that is needed for the tamattu and qiran hajj, is the qurban that is also needed as punishment when the ihram prohibition is not followed, when the person engages in sexual intercourse, when the hunting prohibition is broken, to compensate for not implementing the sunnahs, ihsar, when the hajj is not carried out.
- The Nazir Hady: The hady that is dedicated to the poor or the one that is generally dedicated.
- The Nafilah Hady: The qurban that the people who are just performing hajj (ifrad hajj) or umrah, slaughter for the sake of Allah. The owner of this qurban may eat its meat. The remaining parts are handed out to the poor.
Due to the fact that hady means the qurban that is slaughtered as a gift to the Kabah and Haram, whether it be wajib or nafilah, it is slaughtered within the borders of the haram area.
The shukr qurbans that is wajib for the people performing the tammatu and qiran hajj to cut, it is wajib for them to cut it from the time of when the sun is about to rise on the first day of eid, up to the sun sets on the third day. It is much better to cut it on the first day of eid and at Mina and its surroundings. If it is delayed and not cut within this time, a punishment (jaza) qurban will also be needed. There is no specified time for slaughtering the ihsar, jaza and nazir hady qurbans. It may be slaughtered at any time, with the condition this is carried out within the haram borders.
The person who is performing the tamattu or qiran hajj, has to fast for ten days if they can not find an animal for qurban. Three of these days will be fasted in hajj, the remaining seven will be fasted after they have returned to their home country. The last day to fast the three day fast during hajj is the day of arafa.
Source: Fiqh1 (According To The Maliki School Of Islamic Law), Erkam Publications