The Moving Mountains

 It is stated in another verse,

“Thou seest the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed: but they shall pass away as the clouds pass away…” (al- Naml, 27: 88)

In this verse, one of the reasons for expression of the movement of the world by comparing it to the movement of clouds is explained as follows:

The main cloud clusters, which are approximately three and a half or four kilometers above from the earth’s surface, generally move from west to east, if the weather conditions do not have any effects. The world turns in the same direction too.

Abû al-Hasan al-Harakanî says: 

“The Holy Qur’an is the best means for a servant to find Allah. So you should seek Allah through the path of the Qur’an.” 

While the world turns around its own axis at the speed of 1,667 kilometers per hour, it turns around the sun at the speed of 30 kilometers per SECOND. On the other hand, together with the solar system and Milky Way Galaxy, it moves in the universe. Thanks to the divine order, we live in peace without feeling this horrific velocity because the atmosphere rotates at the same speed too.

In the same verse, there is an indication for the separation of the continents. Every year the continents move to opposite directions about 1 to 5 cm and go away from each other. This fact was discovered by Alfred Wegener at beginning of 20th century. While at first, it was not taken seriously, it was accepted as a geological fact after 1980s.

The fact that the mountains reduce the occurrence and effects of earthquakes is expressed in another verse,

“Have we not made the earth a resting-place [for you], and the mountains [its] pegs?” (al-Naba, 78: 6-7)

Almost half of a tent peg is fixed into the ground. In like manner, the following verse also states that the mountains have been fixed to the ground:

“And the mountains hath He (Allah) firmly fixed” (al-Nâzi’ât, 79: 32).

According to the geological findings, the bottom sides of the mountains are like stakes. There is a layer like a root that keeps the mountain stable.

Fudayl bin Iyâd:

 "The Qur’an was sent to be practiced in life. Whereas people make only its reading a practice of their lives."

The world is formed from three layers like an egg comprising of yoke, white and shell layers. There is a core in the center, a mantle that surrounds it and the crust on the outside. As in an eggshell, the earth crust is solid and the magma under it is hot and fluid. While the earth crust is thin (8-10 km) under the ocean bases, it is thick (30-40 km) in the sections where the high mountains are located.

In like manner, the fact that the mountains have an important role in balancing the continent blocks that are floating over magma was discovered only in this century. However, the Holy Qur’an expressed this fact in many verses 14 centuries ago. One of these verses reads as,

“…He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you…” (Luqmân, 31: 10)

In geo-physics, there are large mountain masses called “hot spots”. There are about 110 of these spots around the world. These large magmatic masses are like rivets that rise from the very depths of the earth, drill the crust, solidify after reaching the surface, and keep the earth crust fixed.

Source: The Universe, The Qur'an And The Human, Osman Nuri Topbaş, Erkam Publications

Osman Nuri Topbaş

Osman Nuri Topbas was born in 1942 in Erenkoy, Istanbul, Turkey to Musa Topbas and Fatma Feride Hanim, H. Fahri Kigılı’s daughter. He went to Erenkoy Zihni Pasha Primary School and, in 1953, Istanbul...