The Mukallaf (Maliki)

What is mukallaf? What does mukallaf means in islam?

A Mukallaf is a Muslim who is obliged to carry out religious obligations and avoid religious prohibitions.

In  fiqh, a sane person is called ‘aqil, and a person who has reached maturity (puberty) is called baligh.

  1. a) Being Muslim: A person who is not Muslim has no association with Islam’s obligations or prohibitions.
  2. b) Being sane: A person who has no consistent sanity or a child who is not yet able to comprehend, is not considered a mukallaf. Allah says in the Qur’an: Allah does not burden a soul except [with that within] its capacity (Baqarah 286).
  3. c) Being mature: Maturity or puberty is the period or turning point when a child becomes an adult. Once a child reaches this point, he or she now becomes a “baligh”. This is noticed by a biological change in the body, generally ihtilam for boys and menses for girls.

Puberty does not take place at the same time for everybody. It varies due to genetics, climate or geographic location. The earliest for a boy to reach puberty is generally twelve years and for a girl; nine years.

A child who has not yet come across the indications of puberty until the age of 15 (Hijri years)[1], is considered a baligh from this point (year) onwards. This method is called legal maturity.

A mature and sane Muslim is legally required to carry out religious obligations and avoid what is not permitted.

[1] This is roughly 14 years and 7 months in gregorian years.

Source: Fiqh1 (According To The Maliki School Of Islamic Law), Erkam Publications

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