The New That Never Wears Off
What are the truths of the quran? What is the connection between the quran and science?
The Holy Qur’an is the divine words of the Creator of the earth and heavens. Although it was revealed centuries ago, there is no discrepancy between its verses and the scientific facts discovered centuries after its revelation.
However, since people must include doubts, beliefs and unproven theories to their knowledge, the works of man are weak against the time.
When one examines a medical book written only fifty years ago, it is understood that many of the facts mentioned in it are no longer valid. The revised editions of the encyclopedias written by the experts that were the authorities in their fields in their times will have to be published in time.
The Holy Qur’an is a strong rope whose one end is in the hands of the omnipotence of Allah and the other end is extended to us. The best way to come closer to Allah is to hold this rope tight
The Holy Qur’an provides information about various of matters ranging from the depths of the universe to the creation of man, from the formation of milk to the bees’ making honey. These facts were not known by the people of the time and many of them were discovered centuries later. All facts referred by the Qur’an have not been discovered yet. Consequently, the Qur’an always leads the way, corrects the wrong sides of the sciences and all sciences follow its lead.
The reason why the Qur’an implicitly points out to some facts instead of explicitly expressing them is to prevent the people who lived in the past to deny the Qur’an due to their limited knowledge. Consequently, this is another miracle of the Qur’an that it addresses to both the people of 7th century and the people of modern era.
For example, the relativity of time is a hardly understood theory introduced in the 20th century. However, Allah Almighty explicitly expressed the relativity of the time in our world:
“He rules (all) affairs from the heavens to the earth: in the end will (all affairs) go up to Him, on a Day, the space whereof will be (as) a thousand years of your reckoning.” (al-Sajda, 32: 5)
“The angels and the Spirit (Gabriel) ascend unto him in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years” (al- Maârij, 70: 4)
The figures mentioned in the verses express different distances and lengths in a metaphoric way to imply their greatness and what is essential here is that these verses suggest the relativity of time.
What would happen if the rain were salty like seawater, or if it included soda, acid or dirt, what would happen to us? Will we be able to give the account for the fresh and clear water we drink?
Let us continue to the miracles mentioned in the Qur’an with the examples from our sky:
Source: The Universe, The Qur'an And The Human, Osman Nuri Topbaş, Erkam Publications