The Prostration of Gratitude

What is the prostration of gratitude in islam? How to perform sajdah al shukr? How to perform of prostration of gratitude?

The prostration of gratitude (Sajda al-Shukr) is a prostration performed like the prostration of tilāwah by turning to the qibla and saying the takbīr because of attaining a blessing or getting rid of trouble or affliction.

According to the narration from Abu Bakr, “When the Prophet (saw) received good news or was given good news, he would prostrate himself.”[1]

According to the majority of schools except for Malikis, it is mustaḥab to perform a prostration of gratitude. According to Malikis, it is makrūḥ to perform it. Ḥanafis also consider it makrūḥ to do it right after a ritual prayer. This is because those who do not know the nature of the action may think that it is a part of the ritual prayer. Any permissible deed that may lead to such a belief is considered makrūḥ. Moreover, the prostration of gratitude should be performed outside of the times where performing prayer is considered makrūḥ.[2]

[1] Ibn Maja, ‘Iqāmah, 192.

[2] Ibn Abidīn, ibid, I, 344, 731; al-Shurunbulālī, ibid, 85 ff.

Source:  Basic Islamic Principles (ilmiḥal) According to the Four Sunni Schools With Evidence From The Sources of Islamic Law, Prof. Hamdi Döndüren, Erkam Publications