The Richness in Mother’s Milk
What are the richness in mothers milk? What is the importance of mother milk in islam? What is the power of mothers milk?
Mother’s milk is another divine blessing that the Holy Qur’an draws our attention to. It is stated in the verses that:
“The mothers shall give such to their offspring for two whole years, if the father desires to complete the term...” (al-Baqara, 2: 233)
“We have enjoined upon man goodness towards his parents: his mother bore him by bearing strain upon strain, and his utter dependence on her lasted two years...” (Luqmân, 31: 14)
Until the researches in modern era, it was not known that breast milk a very important nutrition for babies. The confused heedless people who believed man to be the product of evolution even considered the mother’s milk as a primitive food.
It was understood as a result of the tests that;
Breast milk manifests perfection filled with the flows of divine power. In the breast milk, there are vitamins, hormones, preservatives, enzymes which fight with the germs and carry some elements transmitting the mother’s character to the child.
The proteins, sugar, fat, phosphorus and vitamins which are the basic elements of human nutrition exist in a very harmonious proportion and volume in accordance with the needs of the baby’s body. This proportion is arranged by the divine power. The minimum (six months) and ideal (two years) periods of the breastfeeding are mentioned in the Qur’an in a miraculous way. (see al-Ahqâf, 46: 15)
The miracles of the Qur’an exhilarate and dilate the hearts. Against those who are hesitant due to the indoctrination of the ignorant people of this era, these miracles become the evidences for the fact that the Qur’an is a book revealed by Allah Almighty.
This feature does not exist in the altered earlier divine books. For example, we mentioned above that the Qur’an refers the Sun and Moon as different types of the sources light. But, on the other hand, the altered Torah refers the Sun and the Moon as “two lights.”
In short, it would not be enough no matter how much we give thanks to Allah for honoring us with the Qur’an.
Source: The Universe, The Qur'an And The Human, Osman Nuri Topbaş, Erkam Publications