What Does Ibadah Mean And How Is It Categorized?

What does ibadah mean and how is it categorized?

Ibadah means “worship, obedience, submission, servitude, acting modestly, adopt as god.” As a religious term, it means “the conscious obedience that expresses glorifying Allah and being close to Him (swt), and that is rewarded depending on the action and intention.” Worshipping Allah is the peak of obedience and respect. It is stated in the Holy Qur’an that mankind was created to worship Allah (Dhariyat, 51/56), and all prophets invited people to worshipping Allah (Baqarah, 2/83).

The concept of worship is used in the Holy Qur’an in such meanings as tawhid (Nisa, 4/36), obedience (Baqarah, 2/172), dua (invocation) (Mu’min, 40/60), submission (Fatiha, 1/5), faith and good deeds (Nisa, 4/172-173), tasbih (extolling) and prostration to Allah (A’raf, 7/206), and being aware of and knowing Allah (Dhariyat, 51/56). In accordance with these meanings, it refers to observing the commands and prohibitions of Islam and protecting the limits set by Allah in the broadest sense.

In order for a behavior to be considered as an act of worship, one should have faith (iman), intention (niyyah), and sincerity (ikhlas). Worship should be performed for the consent of Allah and should comply with Islam.

Acts of worship are generally examined under four categories in terms of practicing:

  1. a) Acts of worship performed by heart such as iman, sincerity, intention, contemplation, marifah, patience, and taqwa (piety).
  2. b) Acts of worship performed by body such as salah (prayer), fasting, dua and dhikr, benevolence to parents, good treatment to people, and visiting relatives (silat al-rahim).
  3. c) Acts of worship performed with wealth and property such as zakat, sadaqah, helping the relatives and the poor, and infaq (spending for the sake of Allah).
  4. d) Acts of worship performed with both body and wealth such as hajj (going on pilgrimage) and jihad.

Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS