What Else Should They Do During Ramadan And Eid?
What should those who spend the month of Ramadan and eid in other countries do if the calculations/calendars of those countries are different than that of their own country? Which one should they follow for celebrating the eid?
According to the opinion accepted by the majority of Muslim jurists, lunar months begin with crescent being seen after sunset from anywhere around the world (Bukhari, Sawm, 5, 11).
Today, it is possible to determine by calculation impeccably where and when the crescent can be seen. Calendars in Türkiye and majority of Islamic countries are prepared according to these calculations; and Ramadan and eids are determined accordingly. A few Islamic countries take as basis synodic moment or crescent seen in their countries to determine beginnings of lunar months, not the time when the moon is seen in crescent form on skies. This is the reason why there are countries beginning to fast and celebrate the eid one day earlier or later than the others. These kind of practices caused by differences of ijtihad do not harm no one’s worship. Therefore, a Muslim in another country may celebrate the eid according to that country. By this way, one can enjoy and share the blessings of eid with Muslim brothers and sisters at his/her current place.
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS