Zakat “A Divine Obligation” and Infaq “A Conscientious Obligation”

Our real wealth is only what we can disburse simply to please Allah without hoping for a return. Whatever we can give for Allah is ours. The charity we do with sincere intentions is ours. The poor, strange, orphans we take in our hearts are ours. The most precious treasure we can accumulate in this world is the hearts that can win. The most precious wealth is the beautiful prayers that rise to the Sublime Throne from sad hearts that are made happy. Thanks to these prayers, we will – God willing – gain the consent of Allah Almighty and attain eternal happiness and security.
Islam has made zakat obligatory in order to eliminate enmity and envy, maintain balance, and ensure love between the poor and the rich in society. Islam encouraged infaq, which is a conscientious obligation, as well as zakat, which is a divine obligation, in order to bond Islamic brotherhood at a higher level and to “make every believer have a prosperous heart”.
Important reminder about our foundation’s acceptance of zakat
- No second condition is accepted for donations sent for the purpose of zakat.
- The amount collected in the zakat account is used in our country and all over the world, only to be spent on the groups of people specified in the Qur’an.
- The donations you send conditionally are accepted as “charity” and are evaluated according to the conditions you specify.